martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Who sings this?

¿Os gusta la música?
¿Seríais capaces de decirme el título y cantante(s) de las siguientes canciones? Solo os doy de pista una frase...

  1. ...How can you see into my eyes like open doors?...
  2. ...I thought I was a fool for no one, but ooh baby I'm a fool for you...
  3. ...The smell of your skin lingers on me know...
  4. ...You'll see a side of love you've never known, I can see it going down...
  5. ...You were my sun, you were my earth...
  6. ...You got a piece of me and honestly my life would suck without you...
  7. ...I want to reconcile the violence in your heart...
  8. ...Tell me what you want to hear, something that were like those years...
  9. ...I'm not a planet, nor a car, I don't paly with your soul...
  10. ...I don't mind where you come from as long as you come to me...
  11. ...A beautiful melody when the night's so long...
  12. ...You don't get another chance, life is no Nintendo game...
Una respuesta original podría ser buscar el vídeo en Youtube y copiar el enlace en vuestro comentario, incluyendo el número de la frase y si os gusta o no la canción ;)

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